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Coronavirus information for parents – Term 1, 2022
This page provides advice to parents and school communities about Catholic education’s response to COVID-19 (coronavirus).
The first priority of Catholic schools is the health and safety of the students in their care.
Latest advice
All students have returned to onsite learning.
To keep our schools safe and reduce the chance of students catching and spreading COVID-19, schools have put a range of measures in place based on health advice from the Australian and Victorian governments.
These measures include encouraging vaccination for eligible cohorts, ventilation of indoor spaces, and a range of COVIDSafe measures including cleaning, the regular use of hand sanitiser, increased use of outdoor spaces and the wearing of masks.
For any questions regarding these COVIDSafe measures or the restrictions that remain in place in school settings, please contact your child’s school.
Information for the education sector about coronavirus: www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au/education-information-about-coronavirus-covid-19
Translated information about coronavirus: www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au/translated-information-about-coronavirus-covid-19