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Launch of Chess Club at Ss Peter and Paul’s School, East Doncaster
21 July 2017
At the beginning of Term 3 all students Prep – Year 6 at Ss Peter and Paul’s School, East Doncaster, were involved in a chess incursion, conducted by International Chess Master, Leonid Sandler, the current Vice President of the Australian Chess Federation. All students were taught the basics of chess in a 45-minute incursion.
Leonid spoke with the children about how chess is an equaliser, where culture, race and age play no part; anybody can sit down and enjoy a game. It was a great message to give to the students.
The incursion culminated in a Simultaneous Chess Tournament with Leonid playing 31 students at once. Intended to be only 20 games at once, the students’ enthusiasm encouraged Leonid to stretch his prowess to 31 games. Amazingly, Leonid managed to checkmate all 31 students in 65 minutes. The students of Ss Peter and Paul’s were amazed at the speed in which he was able to make decisions and move his pieces around the board.
Subsequently, a Chess Club for all students will be run each Friday lunchtime at the Ss Peter and Paul’s library. The student STEM Captains will be instrumental in the running of this club.
Every second week during Chess Club, students will be joined by elderly citizens of Manningham for some friendly chess matches. Manningham Council has very kindly donated the use of their community bus to transport the citizens to the school. This multigenerational chess setting will provide students with an opportunity to play with older members of the community in a safe environment. Multigenerational environments not only provide an outing for the older members of our community, but provides a unique learning environment for our children.
Acting Principal Anita Kelliher said ‘The SsPP Chess Club is an example of the school working in partnership with parents and the wider community. It is great that we are all able to work together to reach great outcomes for our students and members of our community who would often be isolated during the colder months.’