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Prayer Time in Foundation
8 May 2017
By Cathy Busch, Foundation teacher at St James' School, Brighton
Every morning in the Foundation classroom, parents, carers, children and their siblings gather together to pray together.
Each day children place the prayer cloth on the classroom floor and select a variety of items from the prayer table.
Before Easter, the Foundation children had been selecting items that pertain to the season of Lent. The wooden cross wrapped in purple felt, the Project Compassion money box and the wooden nesting world that holds little wooden people from around the world.
We all start with the Sign of the Cross and say the Foundation class prayer.
Good morning Jesus
How are you today?
It’s Foundation here and we’d just like to say, thank you for our mums and dads, the birds, the trees, the good times and the not so good.
Thank you, Lord, for all of these.
Children then pray and ask God to bless their families, pets, the poor people, children who are sick or in hospital, the tooth fairy, Jesus, God, the Easter bunny and the world.
It is a wonderful way for all the Foundation families to start the day!
This article was originally published in Australian Catholics on 30 April 2017.