This site offers resources, professional learning programs and links other related agencies assisting catechists and parish educators in their work supporting children and families in their parish.
Order the following Catechist and Student Books that are used in conjunction with Seeking to live the Good News:
This program is offered as an aid in introducing children to the Sacrament of Penance. The elements of freedom to choose, life in community, recognising sin, seeking and accepting forgiveness, appreciating the presence and work of Jesus Christ, celebrating Sacraments, continuing to grow in the life of God, are addressed in the program in ways which are intended to help young children to prepare for this Sacrament. Their capacity to work readily with these faith concepts is limited to their ages and experiences. They will grow in their understanding of sin and experience of grace as they continue to grow in the life of the Church.
The Eucharist is at the heart of the life of the Church. The Eucharist is not on the fringes of our common life, it is its centre. It is the expression of who we are as the Church – the body of Christ. Since the Second Vatican Council we have referred to the celebration of the Eucharist, or Mass as the source and summit of the whole life of the Church.
This program of preparation for the Confirmation aims at leading young Christians toward a more intimate union with Christ and the life-giving action and gifts of the Holy Spirit. It seeks to awaken in them a sense of belonging to a parish community and the broader Catholic Church. This program aims at preparing the students to accept their responsibility as witnesses to Jesus Christ and encourage them to share more completely in his mission.
Guidelines prepared by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference (ACBC) providing support for people experiencing disabilities.
Catechists participating in all nine days of the above professional learning activities, in addition to the completion of one faith formation elective from Catholic Theological College, Yarra Theological Union or Australian Catholic University will be eligible to receive the Archbishop’s Catechist Certificate. This certificate will be conferred on successful participants during a celebratory Mass held at James Goold House.
Contact the Catholic Leadership team via email or ph: (03) 9267 0228 to register for one of the professional learning activities.
While Good News for Catechists is no longer produced, previous editions are available for reference online. This publication contains articles on prayer, scripture, reflections on the liturgical season of the year and suggestions for Children’s Liturgy of the Word.
Download previous editions from 2011–2015.
The Catholic Identity Unit personnel provide support to parish educators and catechists. Please feel free to contact staff via email or telephone on 9267 0228:
Kerrie-Anne Porreca Education Officer: Religious Education
Lisa Hughes Formation Officer, Catholic Identity
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