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Professional Learning
Staff in Catholic schools are called to share in a special way in the mission of the Church. Church documents emphasise the need for well educated and dedicated staff in Catholic schools, whose contribution to the life of a Catholic school gives witness to the values of the Gospel and the mission of the Church.
The work of school leaders, teachers and school officers (support staff) requires a sophisticated array of knowledge, skills and attributes, which, in the face of constant and rapid social, economic, technological and educational change, requires continual enhancement.
Principal Professional Learning
Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS) provides support for principals in Catholic schools to undertake Professional Learning. This targeted professional learning is intended to enhance and affirm principals in their leadership role within the local and broader Catholic community and beyond. It supports leaders to continue to lead school communities effectively in a changing and challenging environment by providing an opportunity for enrichment, reflection, renewal and ongoing formation. More detailed information can be found via Professional Learning on the CEVN Website.
Professional Learning
Effective schools are learning communities in which all staff are lifelong learners who contribute to the learning and knowledge base, in order to achieve the goals of the Catholic school and realise its vision.
Similarly, each Catholic education office across the four dioceses of Victoria recognises that continuing professional learning is an essential component of school improvement and staff development. In particular, professional learning is a major contributing factor towards improvement in student learning outcomes. For these reasons Catholic education offices are committed to:
- allocating resources to develop the school as a learning community
- facilitating ongoing religious formation of staff to enhance the Catholic identity of the school
- advancing leadership enrichment opportunities
- building capacity in all areas of teaching and learning
- making available regular professional learning activities for Catholic school staff and providing information about programs delivered by external organisations.
Catholic Leadership Centre, East Melbourne, is a conference and learning facility for most of the professional learning programs and executive courses offered to support Catholic education, schools and key agencies. Professional learning offered covers a broad range of areas including:
Australian Curriculum |
Languages |
Contemporary Learning |
Numeracy & Mathematics |
Curriculum & Innovation |
OH&S |
Financial Procedures |
Pathways & Transition |
ICON/eLearning |
Promotions & Marketing |
Improved Student Outcomes |
Religious Education |
Industrial Relations |
Leadership |
School Improvement |
Legal Issues |
Student Support |
Literacy |
Student Wellbeing |
Catholic Leadership Centre
576 Victoria Parade
East Melbourne

Register for PL activities offered by MACS on the CEVN website under Professional Learning.